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About our merch
Low minimums
Order as few as 20 shirts to get your project started
Clear transparent pricing
Don't waste time with quotes, our easy pricing calculator gives you all the answers you need
World's best brands
We offer Nike, The North Face, and AS Colour
Purchase quality tees with confidence

There are hundreds of tees available in various qualities, manufacturing standards and reliability.

Merchrobot only partners with the biggest and best known brands that offer high quality garments on a consistent basis. So you don't get stuck with a 'no-name' tee that no one will wear.

The world's best heat transfer
Supacolour combines the quality of traditional silkscreen techniques with the flexibility and convenience of digital printing. Vibrant, durable, stretchy, and easy to press! Supacolour Wearables are the World’s Best Heat Transfers. This is the Swiss Army knife of apparel printing.
The world's best heat transfer
Start your custom made journey now!